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Feng Shui for a child's bedroom: the basics


Designing a child's bedroom with Feng Shui: the basics - Monti Family

Are you familiar with Feng Shui, the fascinating Chinese art of living and environmental science?

Feng Shui takes on a whole new meaning when it comes to interior design: it's not just decoration, nor is it just a fad. It's an art that respects the fundamental principles of bringing well-being to our living spaces by activating and balancing the energies present in our environment.

Feng Shui will nourish our living spaces by acting on the flow of energies naturally present in our homes to enhance our inner well-being.


Particular attention is paid to the children's bedroom, as this room often has to combine several functions: sleeping, playing and learning.

This multifunctional space must be both a place of resource and soothing for your toddler, who spends a third of his day sleeping there. for your little one, who spends a third of the day sleeping there, but also a zone for creativity!

Discover two golden rules for your child's bedroom:

1- The circulation of vital energy, called Chi :

To allow the Chi to circulate smoothly, it's important to keep the room harmonious in terms of volume layout.
Imagine a flow that needs to circulate freely and without too many obstacles... This avoids having too much furniture, clutter and objects, and even behind the door, for example, which must remain fluid in its opening so as not to block circulation.

2- Yin Yang balance:

Another fundamental precept of Feng Shui is the need to differentiate and balance Yin and Yang spaces:
Yin energy, inviting relaxation and rest.
Yang energy, for activity!

Here are a few keys!

As a first step, zoning by delimiting spaces (even if the room isn't large) and isolating the night zone from the rest, to make it easier for your child to relax and sleep.

In fact, creating several ambiences will make it easier for him to integrate this distinction, which is necessary for his equilibrium.

- The sleep zone

- This space should be restful, inviting your child to rest and fall asleep, thus promoting the Yin energy of calm, conducive to sleep.

You can therefore choose soft shapes and colors, such as pastel shades, and subdued lighting for this area.

- Choosing and placing the bed : Prefer a bed with a headboard, and lean it against a wall, to provide security and comfort.
Avoid placing the bed under a window or shelves.

Make sure your child can see the door from the bed, for added reassurance.

Avoid storing too many objects under the bed to avoid energy stagnation, or choose a bed with drawers.

- Have you installed a mobile above your baby's cot? Its movement will move the energy, creating Yang energy, the energy of dynamism and action. Baby will have fun, ideal for those awakening moments.

However, this Yang energy just above the bed
will not encourage baby to relax and fall asleep. We therefore recommend removing the mobile just before bedtime to restore the necessary Yin energy.

- Limit the waves, you'll sleep better.

- The play and learning zone

- You can create a more dynamic and stimulating atmosphere with brighter colors and lights, thus promoting Yang energy for activity.

- It is advisable to install a carpet to delimit the play area and provide closed storage for toys, so that they can be put away each evening for the night. This will facilitate a calmer sleep.

- For a fun and practical bedroom design, put yourself at child's height and choose furniture that's modular, adapted to your child's size and easy to use.

This will enable your child to have his favorite toys and books close at hand.

- Arrange her favorite books facing her, not to one side.

- Choose solid-looking furniture with rounded corners.

- When the child is old enough to have a desk, position it so that he or she sits with his or her back to the wall, with a view of the door.with a view of the door.


Want to go further?
You can determine the 4 orientations that are best for your child, so that you can position his bed or desk in a direction that is personal and beneficial to him.

So, are you ready to put this into practice for greater serenity in your child's bedroom? 

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