Terms of use


Website: www.monti-family.com

Owner: SARL MYMS, company with a capital of 30 001€.
Owner's address : at 19 RUE AUGUSTE CHABRIERES 75015 PARIS
SIREN NUMBER: 850 202 995 
Publication manager: MYMS- MONTI FAMILY

Webmaster : [email protected]
Site creator: MYMS


Monti Family offers you the opportunity to correspond with its services, in compliance with the Marianne referential. This inter-ministerial charter aims to guarantee the quality of reception and promotes values such as courtesy, accessibility, rapidity and clarity of responses, as well as a spirit of listening, rigor and transparency.

To help you find the right person to talk to:

Site operation, technical difficulties, display or download problems, comments and suggestions:

[email protected]

General questions, requests for information or further details: [email protected]


The policy of the www.monti-family.com site complies with French law no. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy.

Site hosting :

150 rue Elgin, bureau 800 Ottawa (Ontario) K2P 1L4 Canada


Use of the www.monti-family.com website implies full acceptance of the general conditions of use described below. These conditions of use may be modified or supplemented at any time, and users of the www.monti-family.com site are therefore advised to consult them regularly.

This site is normally accessible to users at all times. However, Monti Family may decide to interrupt the site for technical maintenance, in which case it will endeavor to inform users of the dates and times of the intervention in advance.

The www.monti-family.com site is regularly updated by Myriam Manar. Similarly, the legal notices may be modified at any time: they are nevertheless binding on the user, who is invited to refer to them as often as possible in order to review them.


Monti Family cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused to the user's equipment when accessing the www.monti-family.com website , and resulting either from the use of unsuitable or faulty equipment, or from the appearance of a bug or incompatibility.

Monti Family cannot be held responsible for indirect damage (such as loss of market or loss of opportunity) resulting from use of the www.monti-family.com website .

Interactive areas (possibility of asking questions in the contact area) are available to users. Monti Family reserves the right to delete, without prior notice, any content posted in this area that contravenes the legislation applicable in France, in particular provisions relating to data protection. Where applicable, Monti Family also reserves the right to hold the user civilly and/or criminally liable, particularly in the event of messages of a racist, insulting, defamatory or pornographic nature, whatever the medium used (text, photographs, etc.).


The www.monti-family.com team is particularly attentive to the legal obligations of any website publisher, and follows the recommendations of the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL).

Compliance with applicable laws

The www.monti-family.com website respects the privacy of Internet users and complies strictly with current laws on the protection of privacy and individual liberties. No personal information is collected without your knowledge. No personal information is passed on to third parties. E-mails, e-mail addresses and other nominative information received by this site are not used in any way and are only kept for the time required for processing.

CNIL declaration

The www.monti-family.com website has been registered with the CNIL under number 2120480 v 0. 

Statistical data: traceability and profiling

When browsing the site, Internet users leave computer traces. This information is collected by means of a cookie, which does not contain any personal information.

In order to improve ergonomics, navigation within the site, editorial content and service to Internet users, the statistics management tool of the www.monti-family.com site stores information relating to the profile of Internet users: equipment, browser used, geographical origin of requests, date and time of connection, navigation on the site, frequency of visits, etc. This connection data is used for statistical extractions and is kept for one year. This connection data is used for statistical extractions and is kept for one year.

All Internet users have the option of refusing the recording of this data by modifying the configuration of their computer browser, which may or may not authorize the recording of cookies. You can refuse or delete cookies without affecting your access to the site. To prevent cookies from being saved, or to be warned before accepting cookies, we recommend that you read your browser's help section, which will explain how to proceed.


Reproduction rights for public or official documents

Since the publication of Order no. 2005-650 of June 6, 2005 on freedom of access to administrative documents and the re-use of public information, this information can be re-used for purposes other than those for which it was produced, particularly information intended for public distribution. Documents intended for public distribution are not covered by any copyright and may therefore be freely reproduced. Graphics, iconography and editorial content remain the property of the French State, and as such are protected by the French Intellectual Property Code.

Article L.122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code lays down the principle that "when the work has been disclosed, the author may not prohibit the dissemination, even in its entirety, by the press or television, for the purposes of current information, of speeches intended for the public and made in political assemblies, (...) as well as in public meetings of a political nature and official ceremonies".
This is therefore the case for speeches and public interventions, which constitute an exception to copyright. Similarly, public or official documents such as official press releases are not covered by copyright, and may therefore be freely reproduced.
If partial or complete reproduction of such content is authorized, it must be accompanied by mention of the author's name, the source, and possibly a link to the original document online on the site. The words "© Monti Family - www.monti-family.com" must therefore be indicated.

All other content on the site is covered by copyright. Any reproduction is therefore subject to the author's agreement, in accordance with article L.122-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code.
The information reproduced must only be used for personal, associative or professional purposes; any distribution or use for commercial or advertising purposes is forbidden.

Request for authorization to reproduce content

The request must specify the content in question and the publication or site on which it is to appear. Once authorization has been obtained, the reproduction of content must comply with the following principles:

  • free distribution
  • respect for the integrity of the documents reproduced (no modifications or alterations of any kind)
  • obligatory mention: "© Monti Family - www.monti-family.com - rights reserved". This notice will point directly to the content via a hypertext link.
  • insertion of an icon representing the website

The organizations under tutelage as well as the other ministries are exempted from this request for authorization subject to the insertion of the mention: "© Monti Family - www.monti-family.com - rights reserved". This mention will point directly to the content via a hypertext link.


The www.monti-family.com website provides numerous links to other sites, mainly official sites (government, institutions, public bodies, etc.), but also to French and foreign sites of associations, professional bodies in the education sector or partner companies for specific operations.

Each time, it is systematically specified to which site we suggest you go. These pages, whose addresses are regularly checked, are not part of the www.monti-family.com site: they do not engage the responsibility of the site's editorial staff, who cannot be held responsible for the content to which these links point. Their sole purpose is to provide Internet users with easier access to other documentary resources on the subject in question.


Create links to www.monti-family.com

Le site www.monti-family.com authorizes, without prior authorization, the establishment of hypertext links to its pages, subject to :

  • not to use the deep-linking technique, i.e. the pages of the www.monti-family.com site must not be nested within the pages of another site, but visible by opening an independent window
  • mention the source by means of a hypertext link pointing directly to the content in question
Sites that choose to point to www.monti-family.com are liable if they damage the image of the public site.


Any dispute arising in connection with the use of the www.monti-family.com website is subject to French law. In accordance with article 46 of the French Code of Civil Procedure, in addition to the jurisdiction of the defendant's place of residence, the plaintiff may, in contractual matters, choose the jurisdiction of the place of actual delivery of the goods or the place of performance of the service.
In accordance with article R631-3 of the French Consumer Code: The consumer may bring the matter either before one of the courts having territorial jurisdiction under the Code of Civil Procedure, or before the court for the place where he lived when the contract was concluded or when the harmful event occurred.


Particular care is taken to ensure that the website is as attractive as possible. www.monti-family.com as accessible as possible, especially for the visually impaired. The pages are progressively being brought into line with the recommendations of the French government's Common Accessibility Criteria for Internet Services, in compliance with Law no. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005 on equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship for people with disabilities.