Our history

Chapter 1: Discovering school

It all began 25 years ago, when Myriam discovered school. A good pupil and reserved, she soon felt embarrassed by the omnipresent feeling that she was being judged on her performance, that she was mainly meeting the expectations of the institution.

Chapter 2: What about the child?

At home, a completely different environment, serious but warm, a mother who is a child educator looking for something different for her creative, shy daughter. Without realizing it, it was while training in Montessori pedagogy that she sparked an idea in her daughter's head: "What about the child in all this?"

Chapter 3: To help the child, we must first understand the parents.

This question would never leave her. As if to right a wrong, Myriam went on to study Law and Montessori pedagogy. She even went so far as to join the official association of the same name, which focuses on the expression of children's individuality. But it was mainly through discussions with young parents that things really clicked for her: how could the - very scientific - Montessori pedagogy be adapted to the - all too realistic - daily lives of parents? To help the child, you first have to understand the parents.

Chapter 4: More than Montessori, a story of family and heart

Montessori pedagogy is poorly regulated. Its name is often used to sell, to put a misunderstood label on products that are sometimes ill-adapted. Only a certain elite really manage to enjoy the benefits of this educational science. Add to this parents' fear of not knowing how to integrate this pedagogical revolution with the benefits of conventional schooling. There are many obstacles to overcome, especially for young, inexperienced parents.

Chapter 5: Expertise at the service of parents and children

It's precisely these walls that Myriam strives to break through. Firstly, by staying close to the field, meeting more and more parents in their homes and in real-life situations. Then by surrounding herself with competent people, themselves trained in Montessori pedagogy. Patiently, and with the help of her passionate mother, Myriam is developing her network, knowledge and expertise.

Chapter 6: The birth of the website

Then she met Ziryeb, a doctor of pharmacy who dreamed of setting up an orphanage. Ziryeb and Myriam soon hit it off, and Ziryeb wasted no time in joining a business school to support Myriam in her entrepreneurial adventure. The result was Monti Family, a Montessori-based business whose first steps were taken hand-in-hand with all those parents who wanted an alternative education for their little ones.

Chapter 7: Monti Family, a family on the rise on the rise...

For starters, an E-commerce platform that offers parents safe, creative and aesthetically pleasing products for their children. Monti Family insists: "Give your child autonomy, yes, but safety first!" All items are based on Montessori pedagogy and made from noble materials. Here, the emphasis is on short supply chains, to guarantee the origin and quality of materials. It's this commitment that makes Monti Family the Montessori reference.

Chapter 8: The team expands

Today, the platform is expanding, adding services to its products. The team is growing, partnerships are multiplying and the premises are being transformed from an office to an apartment, a real home dedicated to the education of the very young. Montessori experts, pediatricians, DME specialists and professional educators enrich the website and social networks with rich, accessible, scientific and fun content. Articles, interviews, photos and video workshops: young moms will find all the information they need to understand the Montessori method while cultivating a refined, polished and committed lifestyle. It's possible to turn your home into a warm, creative cocoon.

Chapter 9: Becoming THE Montessori reference platform

Tomorrow, Monti Family aims to support parents at every stage of their children's growth. "To make your children's education a moment of family sharing."