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The secret to encouraging independence: the Montessori observation tower


The secret to encouraging independence: the Montessori observation tower - Monti Family

You've probably already noticed how much toddlers want to participate in everything you do. Whether it's cooking, washing dishes or tinkering, your child is always watching attentively, eager to imitate your actions. Yet, because of their small size, they can't easily reach counters or tables.

This is where the Montessori observation tower comes into play. A genuine tool for autonomy, this structure enables your child to participate in everyday activities in complete safety, while encouraging motor and social development.

Why is the observation tower essential to your child's development?

From the age of 12 months, children begin to show great interest in their environment. Their desire to explore and learn is insatiable, and they like to imitate adults' actions. However, their small size prevents them from participating fully in everyday tasks. This is where the the Montessori observation tower.

This educational tool is designed to place your child at adult level, allowing him or her to actively participate in a variety of activities.

Here are three key reasons why the observation tower is essential for your child:

Developing independence: Thanks to the tower, your child can climb on his own (with supervision), position himself at counter height and interact with the objects around him. This encourages independence from an early age.

Optimum safety: Unlike a simple chair, the observation tower is equipped with safety railings, allowing your child to explore without the risk of falling.

Stimulating motor skills: By climbing up and down alone, children strengthen their muscles, improve their balance and refine their motor skills.

3 reasons to adopt the Montessori pedagogy with an observation tower

One of the key principles of Montessori pedagogy is to enable children to become actors in their own learning. By integrating a Montessori observation tower into your daily routine, you make it easier to implement this educational method at home. Here's why it makes all the difference:

- Encourage self-confidence: When your child is able to perform tasks on his own, such as mixing cake batter or washing vegetables, he gains confidence and self-esteem. They feel valued in their active role within the family.

- Fostering independence: Autonomy is at the heart of Montessori pedagogy. By using an observation tower, you enable your child to take initiative, develop practical skills and have the freedom to explore.

- Establish quality time: By allowing your child to participate in daily activities, you create moments of complicity. Preparing a meal together becomes a fun and enriching learning experience.

How to choose the right Montessori observation tower?

The market is full of different models, but how do you know which is best observation tower for your child? Here are a few criteria to take into account to make an informed choice.

 - Adjustable height

Choose a tower with a height-adjustable platform to adapt to your child's growth. With an adjustable platform, you can extend the use of the observation tower for several years, from the time your child starts walking until around 5 years of age.

 - Robust, durable materials

Choose a tower tower made from solid wood or sustainable materials that are environmentally friendly and free from harmful chemicals. Wood is often the best choice, as it is both solid and aesthetically pleasing.

 - A safe design

Safety is paramount. Make sure that tower has sufficiently high guardrails and stable feet to prevent falls. Some models also offer the option of adding removable safety bars.

 - Versatile design

Some models of observation towers can be transformed into desks or activity tables. This provides additional functionality and extends the use of the tower beyond the kitchen.

Montessori observation tower: a daily ally for parents

If observation tower is good for children, it's just as good for parents. Here's how this tool can simplify your daily routine:

 - Less frustration and stress

Rather than constantly pushing your curious child away when he tries to climb onto a chair, the tower provides a safe space where they can observe and participate. This reduces frustration and makes spending time together more enjoyable.

 - More quality time

By inviting your child to help with household chores or meal preparation, you turn these moments into opportunities for learning and sharing. This saves time and strengthens family ties.

 - Encouraging patience and collaboration

By using the observation tower, you teach your child the importance of patience and teamwork. He understands that certain tasks take time, and that it's rewarding to collaborate with his parents.

Integrate the observation tower into your Montessori home routine

Here are a few ideas for activities with an observation tower:

 - Family cooking

Let your child help you wash vegetables, mix ingredients or pour batter into molds. They'll develop their practical skills and have fun at the same time.

 - Dishwashing

Your child will love handling small sponges to wash utensils. This will help him develop his hand-eye coordination while integrating age-appropriate responsibilities.

 - Discovering plants

Place potted plants at your child's height and let him help water them. They'll learn to take care of nature while observing plant growth.


In short, the Montessori observation tower is much more than just a piece of furniture. It's an educational tool that fosters your child's independence, self-confidence and motor development. It also transforms ordinary moments into real learning experiences.

If you want to provide your child with a safe and stimulating environment, while making your daily routine easier, we invite you to discover our selection of carefully designed Montessori observation towers.

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