Reading: 16 minutes

🎃Activité DIY : Les Emotions Spécial Halloween 🎃


💌Emotions: a whole universe for little ones and for us adults alike. Becoming aware of them from an early age, putting words to our emotions, knowing how to express them, channel them, manage them is essential for a good balance!

They enable children to understand the world around them and to take other children into consideration, to become empathetic beings who know how to manage their own emotions.

Good emotional management considerably reduces the number of crises. It's essential to work on emotions with children... and we've decided to make it fun with a special Halloween🎃 "Emotion Bag" activity.

You'll need:
- Stones
- A small fabric bag
- Felt pens
- Cardboard paper

The idea is to put words to the different emotions and let the child express them via the funny little ghosts.

Don't hesitate to talk to your child about his or her feelings. Communication is essential, and helps children realize that their emotions count, that they have a meaning and that they deserve to be taken into account.


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