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Montessori activities: 3 secrets to unlock your child's potential and strengthen the parent-child bond


Montessori activities: 3 secrets to unlock your child's potential and strengthen the parent-child bond - Monti Family

Montessori pedagogy, an educational method founded by Maria Montessori, encourages children's autonomous development and respects their natural rhythms. By integrating Montessori principles into your daily life, you can not only help your child to develop to the full, but also strengthen your parent-child relationship.


In this article, we'll share three essential secrets for unleashing your child's potential through Montessori activities and creating a strong, harmonious family bond.


Secret 1: Encouraging independence


Creating a prepared environment

Independence is one of the pillars of Montessori pedagogy. To foster this autonomy in your child, it's crucial to prepare an environment adapted to his or her needs and size. Here's how you can set up a Montessori space at home:

 ✅Chambre à sa hauteur:

Install low shelves, a bed on the floor, and hooks within reach for his clothes.


Every toy and tool should have its own place, to encourage children to tidy up after use.

 ✅Natural materials :

Use wooden, metal and fabric objects rather than plastics, for a rich sensory experience.


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Practical Activities for Independence

Hands-on activities help your child feel capable and responsible. Here are a few suitable activities:


✅Dressing alone:

    Suggest clothes that are easy to put on, such as pants with elastic waistbands and shoes with Velcro fasteners.

     ✅Preparea snack:

    Give your child the opportunity to prepare simple snacks, such as slicing fruit or spreading bread.

     ✅Cleaningand tidying:

    Provide cleaning tools adapted to its size, such as a small brush and dustpan.


    These activities reinforce your child's independence and help him or her feel competent and confident.


    Secret 2: Promoting experiential learning


    Sensory Activities

    Sensory activities are essential in Montessori pedagogy, as they enable children to explore the world through their senses. Here are a few examples:

     ✅Sensory trays :

    Filled with colored rice, dried beans or sand, these tubs let children touch and manipulate different textures.

     ✅Texture games :

    Use fabrics, sandpaper or natural objects to stimulate touch.


    Handling and Exploration

    Let your child manipulate and explore freely to develop fine motor skills and an understanding of the world. Here are a few ideas:


    Offer transfer activities with water, grains or small marbles.

     ✅Mountingand dismounting:

    Offer construction games such as blocks or puzzles.


    These activities enrich experiential learning and enable children to discover the world independently and actively.


    ✨🌈Subscribe to the FREE Webinar: 👶🏻Activités Montessori: 3 Secrets to unleash your child's potential and strengthen the parent-child bond 🌈✨


    Secret 3: Strengthening the parent-child bond


    Collaborative Activities

    Montessori activities can also be carried out as a duo, strengthening the parent-child bond. Here are a few ideas:


    Plant flowers or vegetables together, explaining each step of the process.


    Prepare simple recipes with your child, letting him or her measure and mix the ingredients.


    Moments of Sharing and Listening

    Quality moments based on listening and sharing are essential. Every day, take the time to :

     ✅Discusswith your child:

    Ask him questions about his day and listen carefully to his answers.


    Choose age-appropriate books and read them together, commenting on the pictures and stories.

    These moments reinforce trust and complicity, creating a harmonious, serene family environment.



    By integrating these three Montessori secrets into your daily routine - encouraging independence, fostering experiential learning and strengthening the parent-child bond - you'll create a stimulating and caring environment for your child. These practices will support your child's harmonious development and strengthen your family relationship.

    Try these tips and share your experiences to inspire other parents to do the same 🤗📚!

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