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Managing emotions: a calm body for a calm mind


Managing emotions: a calm body for a calm mind - Monti Family

We live in a busy, fast-paced world where we're constantly moving from one thing to another. Most children don't know what it feels like to calm down, relax and sit still, but these are requests they hear so often.

Taking the time to explicitly teach breathing and mindfulness techniques to our young children, and integrating these practices into their daily lives, lays the foundations for their future and that of our society.

Yoga combines conscious breathing with physical postures.

Simply put, yoga teaches us to slow down, to notice what's going on in our bodies and to become present. 

Big changes can happen in just 5 to 10 minutes of yoga, with children of all ages and personalities.

For children who have difficulty regulating their emotions, manage frustration and calm themselves: tLearning to breathe deeply, to breathe through the nose and mouth... helps them to calm their minds, calm their nervous system and reduce stress and anxiety.

Yoga poses have fun names that children connect with and remember. Many children like to explore their own creativity and invent names for postures. 

The poses give children the opportunity to move physically, follow instructions and improve their balance and flexibility. 

It offers children the opportunity to play and learn simultaneously in an environment that takes into account their uniqueness and reinforces their strengths.

Every morning, offer your child 5 to 10 minutes of yoga, Ask them to place their hand on their stomach, close their eyes and take three deep breaths: the ideal way to start the day gently! 

Imagine a world full of calm, confident and more aware children. It's worth taking 5 minutes every morning to create a healthy environment for our children.


If you'd like us to write an article on the different yoga postures and give you ideas for organizing yoga sessions with your child, please let us know in the comments!

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