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Anger in progress: Effective and practical strategies


Anger in the making: Effective and practical strategies - Monti Family

Tantrums in toddlers can be disconcerting and difficult to manage. They're a normal part of a child's development, but knowing how to respond constructively to them is essential to fostering healthy emotional growth. This article offers concrete, Montessori-inspired strategies for dealing effectively with tantrums when they arise.

Understanding Tantrums

1 - Causes of Temper Tantrums

Temper tantrums are often triggered by frustration or unmet needs. Here are some common causes:

- Separation Anxiety: Children may feel anxious when separated from their parents.
- Fatigue or Hunger: A tired or hungry child is more likely to throw a tantrum.
- Lack of Communication Skills: Toddlers don't yet have the skills to express their emotions verbally.
- Need for Independence: Children often want to do things for themselves, and not being able to do so can cause frustration.



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2 - The Nature of Temper Tantrums

Temper tantrums are a normal part of children's development, and a way for them to express intense emotions. Understanding this can help parents react with greater calm and compassion.

Preventing tantrums

1 - Establish Predictable Routines

Children feel safe when they know what to expect. Establishing daily routines for meals, naps and bedtime can reduce frustration.

2- Offer Choices

Giving your child simple choices can help satisfy his need for independence. For example, allowing the child to choose between two outfits or two activities.

3- Create a Prepared Environment

According to Montessori principles, a well-organized, child-friendly environment can help reduce frustrations. Make sure toys and activities are accessible and age-appropriate.

Dealing with ongoing tantrums

1 - Stay calm

It's essential to stay calm during a tantrum. Your calmness can help soothe your child. Take deep breaths and try not to overreact.

2- Validate Child's Emotions

Acknowledge your child's feelings by using phrases like "I can see that you're very angry" or "I understand that you're frustrated". This shows the child that his emotions are understood and accepted.

3- Using Distraction Techniques

Distraction can sometimes be effective in diverting the child's attention from the cause of his frustration. Suggesting a different activity or changing the environment can help calm the child.


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Post-Crisis Strategies

1 - Discuss After the Storm

Once the tantrum has passed, take the time to discuss what happened with your child. Use simple language to help your child understand his or her emotions and how to manage them better in the future.

2 - Teaching Emotion Management Skills

Help your child develop emotional management skills by showing him how to express his feelings appropriately. For example, you can teach him to use words to express frustration, or to take deep breaths to calm down.

3 - Reinforcing Positive Behaviors

Use positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors. Praise your child when he manages his emotions well or manages to avoid a tantrum.

Resources & Support

1 - Using Books and Stories

Books and stories can be valuable tools in helping children understand and manage their emotions. Look for age-appropriate books on topics such as anger and frustration.

2 - Participate in Workshops or Support Groups

Workshops and support groups can offer practical advice and emotional support for parents. Look for local or online resources that focus on positive parenting and Montessori techniques.


Tantrums are an integral part of toddler development, but they can be managed constructively and positively. By using Montessori principles, you can help your child develop emotion management skills while strengthening your bond with him/her. Stay calm, be empathetic and use the strategies described in this article to turn tantrums into opportunities for learning and growth. With patience and consistency, you'll see significant improvements in your child's behavior and emotional well-being.

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