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Top 5 reasons to adopt Montessori pedagogy


Top 5 reasons to adopt Montessori pedagogy - Monti Family

Is Montessori education right for my child? Is it the right alternative?

If you're asking yourself the above questions and looking for the ideal learning environment for your child, then you're among the growing number of parents eager to discover an alternative way of educating their child.

When you're wondering whether Montessori teaching is right for your children, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I want my child to be a peaceful and polite independent learner?
  • Do I want my child to be able to choose a job and follow it through to the end?
  • Do I want them to learn practical skills and a second language?
  • Do I want my child to have the opportunity to learn from his older peers and grow at his own pace?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then Montessori Pedagogy is right for your child!



Still not convinced? Here are 5 reasons to adopt the Montessori pedagogy:


Very often, educators move from one trend to another in education. Schools spend thousands of euros on a new math or reading program, only to find, two years later, that there's something better.

Montessori schools use a philosophy and tools that have been around for over a century. Montessori schools don't switch between programs because they don't need to. 

Montessori education works, whether it's a private or public school, the country where it's taught or the socio-economic status of the student. The philosophy that Maria Montessori developed many years ago still works for our children.


Everything in the Montessori Pedagogy promotes independence. The pride you see in children who are able to "do it themselves" without asking for adult help is incredible.

The Montessori pedagogy provides children with an environment and activities that enable them to develop their independence.

Montessori products are designed to be self-correcting. Children can identify an error in their thinking without an adult telling them.

Children then have the power to ask for help when they need it, as opposed to the traditional system where the adult tells the child when he or she needs help.

Children then become aware that they have the intelligence and ability to do things for themselves. It's not just about empowering children, but also giving them self-confidence.  


Often in mathematics, we expect children to understand operations but never explain why they need these skills or how to use them in "real life". 

Montessori enables children to understand how and why with concrete materials.

 Students can see a calculation error for themselves. They are also able to repeat the exercise over and over again with suitable materials until it makes sense to them and they find the solution.


One of the best advantages of Montessori Pedagogy is that it is completely individualized. 

The child is never bored or frustrated. He gets what he needs, when he needs it. 

To meet these needs, the parent or teacher must observe and guide the child towards his or her potential: the child is no longer accompanied according to age, but according to individuality.


When children learn to count with pie slices or teddy bears, or discover botany by observing the evolution of their little plantations, learning becomes attractive and fun. 

Montessori pedagogy offers children concrete experiences from which they can learn. Learning doesn't just come from listening to a parent's instructions, it's about learning to make and experience the world around them. Learning is real and relevant.

Choosing a school or a method of education is one of the most important tasks for a parent. Our advice to parents is to make a choice that will not only prepare the child for the next level, but also prepare him or her to become a citizen of the world. Make the choice to educate your child via a Pedagogy where he or she will learn more than just the basics, but also responsibility, compassion for others and self-motivation.



Maria Montessori developed her philosophy because she wanted to improve the world and future generations. With a little research and a visit to a Montessori school, you'll understand why Montessori works.



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