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Kitchen chores by age - Objectif Autonomie


Kitchen chores by age - Objectif Autonomie - Monti Family

Children can perform many household chores in the kitchen.

Set your expectations and track them over time. 

Our children love to imitate us; it's their way of developing. Why not give them some tips on how to develop their skills?

We know that every child develops differently, so it's important to give them the opportunity to do so, and to support them in this learning process. 

As time goes by, they'll know exactly what they're supposed to do and will do it without even asking you.  

Let's start with simple tasks:

Between 1 and 3 years : 

  • Arranging spices
  • Put away groceries (if you can distinguish by putting all fragile groceries and/or household products in another container).
  • Clearing his plate and putting away his clean dishes (A fun thing to do: a place for his plates, cutlery and glasses just for him). 
  • Cook simple dishes or pastries with him.

Between 3 and 7 years: (In addition to the above)

  • Put plates and glasses away.
  • Clean up after cooking together.

And over 8 years : (In addition to the above)

  • Wipe dishes. 
  • Put away fragile groceries.

Keep in mind that every child is different. Some children will follow this guideline, while others will be slightly ahead or slightly behind.

This is normal, but you can use this to help you see at what age your child can start helping with certain tasks.

1- First and foremost, show your children exactly what you expect of them before encouraging them to perform any of these tasks.

2- Do one task after another, so that your child assimilates the gestures.

3- Praise him when he finally does it, which will determine when you can move on to the next task.


If they don't get it right the first time, don't worry! It takes practice, but the effort is worth the result.  

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